International - Special GeoArt-6th EuroGeo Conference

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International - Special GeoArt-6th EuroGeo Conference


Eekelen, S.J.M. van (2016): The 2016-update of the Dutch Design Guideline for basal reinforced piled embankments. Geotechniek 2016, nr. 3, Special 6th EuroGeo Conference, p6.

The Dutch Design Guideline CUR226 for basal reinforced piled embankments was revised before publishing its second edition in Dutch and English in 2016. This paper reports about the main changes in comparison to its first edition, of 2010. One of the main changes was adopting the Concentric Arches method of Van Eekelen et al. (2012b, 2013, 2015) and van Eekelen (2015) for the design of the geosynthetic reinforcement (GR). An accompanying set of partial safety factors was derived with an extensive probabilistic study. The Eurocode guidelines for traffic load were adopted and converted into a uniformly distributed design load for piled embankments using the Boussinesq spreading method. This resulted in a practical set of tables. Finally, a design guideline for the pile caps on top of the piles was added. Extensive calculation examples support the use of the new guideline.

Gerritsen, R.H., Angenent, C., Scheirs, J. (2016): Geomembrane systems in The Netherlands and abroad: risks and lessons learned. Geotechniek 2016, nr. 3, Special 6th EuroGeo Conference, p16.

This article gives an overview of risks and lessons learned about geomembrane constructions in The Netherlands. The aim of this paper is to emphasize an integral approach during the entire process and importance of acknowledging quality risks to all involved companies. The success of a watertight and durable installation will depend on an integration of design aspects, materials, construction issues and quality assurance. To avoid risks during lifetime attention shall be given to proper restrictions, maintenance issues and monitoring of leakage/durability. The article presents examples, to illustrate risks and lessons learned.

This article is supporting a specialty session at the Eurogeo6 congress Ljubljana (Slovenia) in September 2016. A more extensive version can be found as official paper to the congress proceedings.

Nancey, A., Janse, D. (2016): Basal reinforcement with high strength geosynthetics. Geotechniek 2016, nr. 3, Special 6th EuroGeo Conference, p12.

Basal reinforcement should be designed following accepted design guidelines or standards. These guidelines all use calculation models that end up requiring a minimum strength and stiffness of the material in time. The production technology in itself is not an issue in the choice of the product applied. This publication highlights the relevant characteristics of basal reinforcement, their influence on the design and, if the production technology does matter, how to achieve the needed performance.

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